The mission and vision of Southwest goes beyond our walls. While our ministry focus is Austin, our desire is also to be faithful to Christ's call to go into all the world and make disciples. While we can't be everywhere, we have developed strategic gospel partnerships to spread God's message of love, hope, and restoration. Many of our partnerships span decades and we are glad to co-labor with them in spreading gospel to the "ends of the earth."
Colegio Biblico (Spanish for Bible College) straddles the southern US border with campuses in both Eagle Pass, TX and Piedras Negras, MX. Since 1945 they have been a Spanish-speaking ministry school that prepares workers from Mexico, the rest of Latin America, and the United States for Christian ministry in the Spanish-speaking world. As the result of Colegio Biblico ministry, thousands of people have come to know and receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, and hundreds of Christian churches have been planted in Mexico, throughout Latin America, the United States, and Spain.
Dallas Christian College has been educating the next generation of ministers and servants since 1950. Their mission is to educate and mentor students to be people of influence, engaging in their calling to the work of Christ in the Church and in the world. The academic programs DCC offers combine excellent professors, a strong biblical foundation, and opportunities for supervised experience. Our mentoring programs begin in the classroom and permeate all student activities, from academic tutoring and life coaching to spiritual formation and professional development.
In the fall of 2012 a team of passionate people gathered around a dining room table and began fighting modern slavery in Bond County, Illinois. Faced with a community unaware of trafficking, together they learned about human trafficking and explored the needs in their community. Eden's Glory was born and they have become a voice for those who don't have one. Through a 2-year in patient wrap around program, they help women heal from the trauma of slavery. In 2020 Foster Kairos was launched, a program for minors who are at-risk or who are survivors of trafficking.
Pioneer Bible Translators is a mission with worldwide outreach, dedicated to putting the Word of God (in their own language) into the hands of unreached people groups around the world. Southwest has partnered with the Ingrams since 2008. Following a 5 years missions deployment to East Africa, Andy and Shonna Ingram transitioned stateside to serve Pioneer Bible Translators at their International Service Center in Dallas, TX. Andy serves as the Human Resources Administrator, working on projects to assist new missionaries in reaching the field and help current missionaries serve effectively. Shonna is the Cerny-Smith Assessment Coordinator. The Cerny-Smith Assessment is a tool to help cross-cultural workers prepare and adjust to their new settings and evaluate stress levels.
For almost 20 years, the Shinn family has faithfully served the people of Africa and South East Asia. Currently residing in Thailand at a care hub, they are part of team that offers resources, rest, and healing to field missionaries. They are actively engaged in spreading the gospel and discipling the people of South East Asia.