Southwest's Prayer Ministry includes a group of people who are committed to calling on the power of God and bringing before His throne our church, our leaders, our community, and our world through prayer.
As believers, we believe that we are called to pray consistently as God wants to hear from us and build a personal relationship with us. Here are a few ideas to join us in our mission to pray: pray during worship service, join or start a weekly prayer group, commit to praying for a child in the youth group, pray for and send notes of encouragement to the sick, prayer walk the school campuses before school starts, prayer walk in your neighborhood, prayer walk in our local neighborhood, participate in a book study on prayer, commit to daily prayer support for our church staff and spouses, support kids at the "See You At The Pole" events, participate in fasting and prayer, and commit to daily prayer support for our missionaries.
Submit Prayer Requests
We here at Southwest always welcome your prayer requests as we want to walk alongside you and support you through the power of prayer. Feel free to send in any prayer requests here.
Prayer Letter
Every month a prayer letter is sent out as a compiled list of recent prayer requests that have been received. In order to receive this monthly prayer letter, email Amy Reed to be added to the email list.

Amy Reed
Amy Reed is passionate about the power of prayer and seeks to encourage others in their prayer walk.